5 advantages of buying used heavy machinery spare parts.

Parts Conexión Intermedia por medio de su plataforma web proveedores y compradores de equipos y repuestos de maquinaria amarilla en el mundo. Nuestros 15 años de experiencia y conocimiento del sector nos ha reinventado en nuevas propuestas tecnológicas para el negocio al alcance de todos los grupos de interés de la industria de los equipos de maquinaria amarilla. Con clientes en todo el mundo Parts Conexión se convierte en una herramienta funcional para cualquier empresa que requiera rápidamente suplir un repuesto o equipo para el normal funcionamiento de su flota de maquinaria amarilla.

Used spare parts found in Yellow Machinery will always be a cost-effective alternative to replace a part that has already achieved its utility lifespan. This being the main reason we acquire used components; we must verify a few aspects of the spare parts before completing the purchase.
The quality, hours of usage and supplier offering the part; Taking these factors into consideration will guarantee if the part is adequate for usage. Parts Conexión is marked as a reliable supplier in the industry offering used, remanufactured, new and aftermarket spares keeping customers at ease and meeting their expectations while completing the purchase.

One of the most important advantages of used components is the fact that these are GENUINE/OEM; These are perfect fit meeting standard and suggested specifications from the manufacturer. Although the part will show usage, they are in safe and working conditions which allows the customer to save money.

Environmental conservation; Manufacturing resources utilized maintains environmental impact at a minimum.

It is a growing trend in the heavy machinery industry due to its versatility.

Specialized suppliers strive to meet the growing demand in the industry using over-the-line quality criteria and outstanding warranty.

All Parts is an experienced and reliable supplier of spare parts for all Yellow Machinery selecting the best suppliers who always meet the growing demand.


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