Tips when buying heavy machinery.

Parts Conexión Intermedia por medio de su plataforma web proveedores y compradores de equipos y repuestos de maquinaria amarilla en el mundo. Nuestros 15 años de experiencia y conocimiento del sector nos ha reinventado en nuevas propuestas tecnológicas para el negocio al alcance de todos los grupos de interés de la industria de los equipos de maquinaria amarilla. Con clientes en todo el mundo Parts Conexión se convierte en una herramienta funcional para cualquier empresa que requiera rápidamente suplir un repuesto o equipo para el normal funcionamiento de su flota de maquinaria amarilla.

The most essential element for the development of mining projects, construction, agriculture and infrastructure is Yellow Machinery who allow the execution of these projects. Taking certain precautions including budgeting, here are a few aspects to consider before buying heavy machinery.

Evaluate the real needs of your business
Before buying any equipment, it is important to consider how will it contribute and benefit your business. Also, if it is cost-effective taking into consideration its monthly maintenance cost.
Evaluate all financial add-ons before purchasing
Buying new or used equipment will bring several additional costs. These include operational costs, documentation and legal permits, maintenance, diesel and many others that must be considered when budgeting to avoid any mistakes.
*After revising all economic factors, it will help determine if the most suitable machine for your business will be a new or used machine.

Mechanical support and warranty
Verify with the provider the warranty specifications and mechanical support of the machine, if there is any. Keep in mind all machines will require maintenance at a certain point in its utility lifespan. For this reason, you must verify if the machine you are purchasing brings any local warranty or support as previously mentioned, as this can help you save more money.
Just before purchasing
After evaluating all factors that come into play and finding the best option for your business, negotiate and come into an agreement with the provider, compare prices, warranty and any post-sale services. In addition, if the machine is used, you can always have your trusted mechanic assess the machine before moving forward.

Finally, you must keep in the radar your source of solutions for all Yellow Machinery; All Parts. To assist you and provide you a quotation for your spare parts needs.


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